
When Should You Service Your Aircon?

As we all know, air conditioning is an essential part of our daily lives, especially in Singapore’s hot and humid climate. To ensure your aircon is in top condition, regular maintenance and servicing are crucial. However, one common question that most people ask is, “How often should I service my aircon?” In this blog post, we will dive into the frequency of aircon servicing and why it is essential for the longevity of your aircon.

Why is Aircon Servicing important?

Before we dive into how often you should service your aircon, let’s discuss why aircon servicing is essential.

First and foremost, aircon servicing helps to improve the air quality in your home or office. During regular usage, your aircon filters accumulate dirt, dust, and other airborne particles, making it difficult for clean air to circulate in your space. By servicing your aircon, you can ensure that your filters are clean, allowing your aircon to function efficiently and purify the air in your home or office.

Additionally, regular aircon servicing can prevent major breakdowns and prolong the lifespan of your aircon. Over time, the various components of your aircon, such as the compressor and condenser, can become worn out or damaged. Regular servicing can help identify these issues before they escalate into more significant problems, potentially saving you from expensive repairs or even the need for a new aircon unit.

How often should you service your aircon?

Now that we have established the importance of aircon servicing, let’s discuss how often you should service your aircon. The frequency of aircon servicing depends on several factors, such as the usage frequency, the age of your unit, and the environment.

For residential units, it is recommended to service your aircon at least once every six months. This frequency ensures that your aircon is in top condition and helps prevent any major issues from developing. However, if you use your aircon frequently or have pets, you may need to service it more frequently.

For commercial units, such as those found in offices or retail spaces, it is recommended to service your aircon at least once every three months. Commercial aircon units typically run for more extended periods and are exposed to a more substantial amount of airborne pollutants, making it essential to service them more frequently.

Factors that may affect the frequency of aircon servicing

Apart from usage frequency, the age of your aircon unit, and the environment, other factors may affect the frequency of aircon servicing. Some of these factors include:

Type of aircon unit

Different aircon units require different levels of maintenance. For example, a split aircon unit may require more frequent servicing than a window aircon unit due to its complex system.

Manufacturer’s recommendations

Some aircon manufacturers may recommend a specific servicing frequency for their units. It is crucial to follow these recommendations to ensure that your warranty remains valid.

Aircon usage patterns

If you only use your aircon occasionally, you may not need to service it as frequently as someone who uses their aircon daily. Additionally, if you only use your aircon during certain times of the year, such as during the summer months, you may need to service it more frequently to ensure that it functions efficiently when you need it most.

Cheap Aircon Servicing in Singapore

Now that we have established how often you should service your aircon let’s discuss where you can find cheap aircon servicing in Singapore.

First and foremost, it is important to note that while cheap aircon servicing may seem like a good deal, it is essential to ensure that the service provider is reputable and reliable. Some service providers may offer low prices but provide subpar service or use low-quality parts, resulting in further issues down the line.

One way to find cheap aircon servicing is to research and compare prices from different service providers. You can do this by checking online reviews and ratings from previous customers or asking for recommendations from friends and family.

It is also important to note that regular servicing and maintenance can help prevent costly repairs in the future. By identifying and addressing minor issues early on, you can avoid more significant issues that may require expensive repairs or even the need for a new aircon unit.

In addition to regular servicing, there are also steps you can take to maintain your aircon unit’s efficiency between servicing appointments. These include:

Cleaning the air filters regularly – Dust and dirt can accumulate in your aircon’s filters over time, reducing its efficiency. Cleaning your filters regularly can help your aircon function at its best.

Checking the thermostat settings – Ensuring that your thermostat settings are correct can help prevent your aircon from working harder than it needs to, reducing energy consumption and lowering your energy bills.

Keeping your aircon unit clean – Dust and dirt can also accumulate on the outside of your aircon unit, reducing its efficiency. Keeping your unit clean can help it function better and reduce the risk of breakdowns.


In conclusion, regular aircon servicing is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your aircon unit. The frequency of servicing depends on various factors, such as usage frequency, age, and environment. It is recommended to service your aircon unit at least once every six months for residential units and once every three months for commercial units.

To find cheap aircon servicing in Singapore, it is essential to research and compare prices from different service providers, sign up for maintenance packages, and ensure that the service provider is reputable and reliable. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your aircon is always in top condition and functioning efficiently, helping you save money on energy bills and costly repairs in the long run.

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