
How to Write a Email Reminder

Reminder can be use to remind you of something that has happen. This concept can be expand in the email market. You’ll see that many product-based businesses depend on reminder letter format emails to make sales. Knowing when and how to send reminder emails cannot be easy. It conveys the urgency of the matter, but it also doesn’t sound too straightforward or rude.

How can marketer balance satisfying customer and getting the job done first?

This article will show you how to create a reminder email that businesses appreciate. Additionally, it offers examples and best practises.

What’s a reminder email?

Reminder email are email sent to remind people about upcoming event, deadlines, and other important task.

Reminder emails can serve as a reminder or a friendly reminder. You can send it any time to remind people of an event or deadline. The email’s subject line should be catchy, so recipients know what it’s about.

These email are typically sent approximately 1-2 days before the event.

Reminder email should include a friendly greeting and be written in a casual tone. The email subject line should include the recipient’s name and state when the event will occur.

Why it is important to send reminder emails

Notification emails can be a great way for people to take action. Companies use these emails for many reasons.

They are a great way to remind people of something they have forgotten.

These reminder emails should be friendly. In the email, it is important not to sound pushy or aggressive. The subject line should be your main focus, as it will be what people see first when they open the email.

Not only are their many benefits to sending reminder emails, but also:

You can increase your customer base by reminding them about your products and services.

You can also save money by not forgetting your subscriptions. This will prevent you from paying late fees and penalties on your credit card.

It also encourages customers to make purchases before forgetting, which leads to increased revenue and customer return.

When should I send a reminder?

It cannot be easy to know when reminder email should be sent. Although cross-sending an abandonment message can be effective, it won’t always work as well because the intended purpose is not clear.

These are just a few examples of situations where companies could benefit from an email reminder.

Reminder: Late payment is business etiquette to pay before or at the deadline. There are many reason things can go wrong or slow down, especially if they are run on credit. You still have the right as a seller to make that money. A payment reminder will be necessary if the deadline has passed and funds remain questionable.

Reminder: Missed work deadlines

Employees can collaborate from faraway places using advanced technology and remote work platforms. If an employee falls behind on their work schedule, even working together, it is a warning sign for management. It is important to remind employees that the deadline has passed.

Important event reminders

You cannot miss important dates or events. What if you missed a meeting with an international client because of another engagement? It’s a good idea to send reminder emails in advance to stay on the right track.

Reminder for interview

A reminder email to follow up on a job interview is appreciate by potential candidate who are running for a new position or need to be remind of their interview. This gives them the best chance of winning by being punctual and not irritating their manager with many messages. You will stand out if you send a timely reminder email for follow-up (after you have sent a thank-you email).

Reminder: Link building

Link builders have many responsibilities when it comes to link-building campaigns. Your email may have been hidden under other email, so even though you get a high response rate, it might not be as effective. Your prospect may be distract and not open the email.

Reminder emails are a great way to keep your prospects informed about the progress of your link-building campaign. Send a gentle reminder email to your prospect to find out how they feel about the previous email.

Collaboration reminder

Marketers are always looking for innovative collaborations to improve their brand’s image. It is possible to get caught up in a hectic schedule. They may have to deal with a situation in which they promise to return with more information, but they miss the original message. Reminder emails can help establish contacts and verify that both parties are on the same page.

Sales reminder

The rabbit has escaped the hat! Reminder emails can be tricky, even when they are the best. Reminder emails are essential to attract potential customers’ attention. The call-to-action is design to convert them without being too nosy.

A simple reminder email can suffice if your email contains a unique selling point and clearly demonstrates your niche product or service.

Reminder for product launch

Businesses continue to improve their products and introduce new tools. It is important to use the best communication method when reminding customers about product launches. A reminder email can be sent in addition to a push notification via the web or mobile.

Content promotion reminder

How can you promote content? Similar to link building, email outreach is the most popular tactic. The blogger or influencer will be interest in receiving reminder emails about content promotion. These emails can remind them of upcoming podcasts, webinars, or blog posts. These emails can be concise and constructive, with a clear message that explains the purpose and a simple subject line.

Reminder: Digital PR

Trending brands are increasingly turning to digital PR. It’s not an easy task. It could be related to the content promotion or sharing a significant achievement. To do this, contact the journalist or PR associate responsible for the press release.

Mailshake stats share that following up after 2 days increase your chances of being blacklist or spam.

What length of time should you wait to send a reminder email before sending it?

It is important to note that the timing of sending an email reminder will depend on the purpose and circumstances. The best practice for a deadline is to send an email within the first business day and the day following a missed deadline.

Propeller suggests that if you are unsure about a deadline, wait 1-2 weeks to clarify. If you haven’t heard back from an interview, Indeed suggests waiting 3 days before sending reminder emails. Mailmunch can be used to schedule reminder emails and automatically send them.

How do you write a reminder email?

The tone is the most important element of a reminder email. It would help if you struck a balance between urgency and intent—the more gentle the tone, however, the better.

Is this your first time creating a reminder email? Below are some ways to create well-written reminder emails.

Subject line

A subject line is not a good thing. It’s just a reminder. It is the first thing to appear in your inbox. A compelling subject line reassures recipients that you are real and that your message is important, not automated.

Your address might not be available on the contact list, and recipients may not have a good enough relationship with you. Use power words in subject lines such as “Action Required” or “Deadline Closing.” Make sure the subject line is clear enough to grab people’s attention. For follow-up reminder emails, write “Following up.”


Reminder emails, like any email, should begin with a salutation. For a gentle reminder email, ensure the message is professional and easy to comprehend.

Salutations can be difficult for some people, but it is the easiest part. These are some common points to remember when you write a salutation.


Start by writing a friendly message. This is the main purpose of the reminder email. To avoid confusion, explain the details with dates and references. A large project could be approaching, so the person responsible for it might need a gentle reminder.

The body can be start in a similar tone.

“Congratulations on achieving this milestone. It will be a great help to you in your future endeavours.


Although explaining a situation can sound difficult, reminding people of your message is gentler. This helps to make the small business or individual you are communicating with more valuable.

In the message body, you can, for example, mention the amount and the number of days if there is an outstanding payment.

You can better grasp the problem by reading the following explanation.

Being a tiny business, we depend on prompt payments.

This will enable us to keep providing service.

Even if the customer is behind on their payments, it could still be due to legitimate reasons. This is why politeness is your best chance of getting a reply.

Take Action

What are you asking recipients to do? Tell them exactly. Be specific about the meeting or the payment. Anger at the recipient will make you less likely to achieve any result.

Take, for example:

“I’m writing to you to express my support for the customer’s grievance on a negative dining experience. It would be greatly appreciate if you could tell me what happen.  This is a great example of restaurant management.

A customer who has filed a complaint is already past the payment deadline. You do not want to be focus on the consequence. Even if the recipient is acting out, you should keep your tone professional but affirmative and explain the procedure that will be follow due to protocol.


Reminder email should be close permanently. Your eSignature should be add at the end. It should include your name, designation, company, and your company. The situation may dictate the type of descriptive sign-off that is require.

Avoid these 4 mistakes when sending a reminder email.

Keep in mind the guidelines for writing a gentle reminder message, and you will be able to gain valuable insights about what to avoid. A structure for reminding emails reduces risk. Some common mistake can be made, but they can be avoid.

It’s not getting to the point.

Being polite doesn’t mean that you have to move around the subject. You can also use a friendly tone of voice, but be firm. Remember that you are sending a reminder email for a specific reason. Be precise and concise. This will help you keep your email organized.

Embarasse the recipient

The recipients have received your email, but they didn’t reply. This cannot be very comfortable if you need to remind someone of their payment. They are remaining about their dues after the deadline isn’t very comfortable. It doesn’t matter if it’s your third or fourth reminder email about payment. Keep it light and focused.

We don’t offer a solution.

Sending a reminder email is intend to prompt the recipient response. In your email, be clear about the action you expect the recipient to take. Let the person know about the situation. Then, ask or politely request the recipient to solve the problem.

Communication deficiency

Sometimes, the recipient might not respond to your reminder email. A follow-up reminder email is a good idea to eliminate the possibility of your email not getting through or being so buried in the inbox that the recipient didn’t see it.

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