
How to Adjust in a New School?

Starting at a new school can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking. You’re surrounded by new faces, new routines, and new expectations. However, with a positive attitude and a little preparation, you can make the transition smoothly and comfortably. 

International schools in the Philippines can be intimidating, but you must know how to adapt to changes to learn effectively.

In this guide, you will learn tips and strategies for adjusting, making new friends, and getting involved in your new community. Whether you’re starting at a new elementary, middle, high school, or college, these tips will help you succeed in your new environment and feel confident and comfortable in your new surroundings.

Preparing for the First Day of School

Preparing for the first day is an important step in adjusting to your new environment. To make sure you’re ready for your first day, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with your schedule, gather necessary supplies, dress appropriately, plan your transportation, and get a good night’s sleep.

Getting a copy of your class schedule and taking the time to review it will help you know where to go and what to expect on your first day. This can help reduce any confusion or stress that may arise on the first day.

In addition to reviewing your schedule, make sure you have all the necessary supplies, such as a notebook, pen, and textbook. If you’re not sure what supplies you need, check with your teacher or the website.

Checking the dress code policy of making sure you dress appropriately for the first day is also important. This will help you feel confident and comfortable in your new surroundings and show respect for the school’s policies.

Getting to Know Your New School

Getting to know is an essential part of adjusting to your new environment. There are several ways to do this, including exploring the campus, meeting your teachers, getting involved in clubs and activities, attending events, and making use of resources.

Taking a tour of the campus and familiarizing yourself with the different buildings, classrooms, and common areas will help you feel more comfortable and confident when navigating. Additionally, introducing yourself to your teachers and asking any questions you may have about their class or the school is a great way to build positive relationships with them.

Joining clubs or participating in school activities is also a great way to meet new people, build relationships, and get involved in your new community. Attendance at school events, such as sporting events or club meetings, can also help you get a feel for the school culture and meet new people.

Finally, it’s important to make use of resources available at your new school, such as the library or student center, to get help with any questions or concerns you may have. By taking these steps to get to know your new school, you can become more comfortable and confident in your new environment and start building positive relationships with your peers and teachers.

Making New Friends and Building Relationships

Making new friends and building relationships is an important parts of adjusting to a new school. Here are some suggestions for making new friends and building relationships in your new school.

Be Open and Friendly

Smile, make eye contact, and be approachable. This will make it easier for others to approach you and start a conversation.

Join Clubs or Activities

Participating in clubs or activities is a great way to meet new people who have similar interests as you.

Attend School Events 

School events, such as sporting events or club meetings, provide opportunities to meet new people and build relationships.

Be Yourself

Be true to who you are and let your personality shine. People are more likely to connect with you when they see the real you.


Volunteering for school events or organizations is a great way to meet new people and give back to your school community.

By being open, friendly, and true to yourself, you can make new friends and build positive relationships in your new school. Additionally, participating in clubs or activities, attending school events, and volunteering can also help you connect with others and form new relationships. With a little effort and an open mind, you can build a strong social network in your new school.

Key Takeaway

Adjusting to a new school can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. By preparing for the first day of school, getting to know your new school, making new friends, and building relationships, you can make a smooth transition and become a successful and happy student in your new environment. Remember to be open, friendly, and true to yourself, and to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you.

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