
7 Creative SMS Marketing Hacks for Ecommerce Businesses

Success with SMS marketing is being hampered by one issue. Numbers. Of course, we’re discussing client phone numbers. 

In any text-based marketing operation, gathering a reliable database of consumer phone numbers is a crucial first step. The good news, then? It’s simpler than you would imagine. You may discover a wide variety of advice and strategies for starting to gather phone numbers in this article. 

Don’t forget these items before you begin. 

Recognize your audience

Focus on quality instead of quantity 

If the individuals behind the phone numbers don’t fit your target demographic, there’s little purpose in gathering every number you can find. Consider who your target market is, then adjust your plan.

Looking at your current clients is a smart place to start

Learn about their requirements and passions. For instance, if you own an online store that sells outdoor adventure gear, you’ll be able to guess that your ideal customers are probably fit, healthy young people who enjoy a little adrenaline on the weekends. 

Knowing the laws Make sure you have permission

You require your customers’ permission in various countries throughout the world before you may acquire their phone number. To put it another way, you can’t just use their phone number that you got from a form they filled up on your website to send them a barrage of marketing emails. You must formally request authorization instead.

  • Give customers the chance to opt out 
  • Garantie the secrecy of your clients’ information 
  • Make a commitment to not spam your consumers and keep it. 
  • Be careful to provide some value in your SMS service

You’re prepared to jump in and begin developing your database now that you’ve figured out who your target audience is and what the consent laws are where you live. Here are some amazing strategies for making lots of money

Text-based contests 

Offer a contest with a great reward to entice your consumers. Make sure your reward is worthwhile in exchange since the numbers you acquire are worth their weight in gold for SMS marketing.

One of the simplest methods to gather phone numbers is through text-in contests. Simply provide clients with a dedicated cell phone number to text their entries to. 

Keyword campaigns 

With keyword SMS marketing, you may offer your clients a wonderful bargain in return for their phone number, much like text-to-win competitions. Run an advertisement urging people to text you, and in exchange, you’ll give them a great deal or discount.

You might use methods like contests, keyword campaigns, live broadcasts, polls, and tales to get followers to join your contact list in order to reach your target audience. You could also conduct sponsored posts on your main channels. 

Complete the trade 

Make it worthwhile for them to give you something useful, like their phone number, when you ask for it. What unique offering can you make to your clients? 

An excellent illustration of a value exchange is when a B2B company provides a thought-provoking eBook or research that aids potential clients in developing. Customers register and provide their mobile phone number by signing up through a gated form that conceals the asset. too simple.

A demo or free trial 

This is usually a fantastic one, especially if you work in business-to-business. Use the online form on your website to ask clients for their cellphone number when they sign up. Ask them to send an SMS service requesting the free trial or demo if they’re signing up somewhere else, such at an event or via a store window. 

Request a free trial

Use this method to gather data if you’ve amassed a sizable database of email addresses for email marketing. Encourage clients to reply using their mobile phone number when you send your weekly or monthly promotional email.

Use this method to gather data if you’ve amassed a sizable database of email addresses for email marketing. Encourage clients to reply using their mobile phone number when you send your weekly or monthly promotional email. You may entice them with a bargain by making a compelling offer. 

Remember to distinguish your SMS marketing if you already use email marketing. Customers won’t want to give up their cell number if they will only be receiving the identical messages across all channels. Show them the benefits of subscribing, such as first pick of limited-edition new lines, holiday deals, or a birthday gift.

VIP clubs 

By providing their mobile number, you may invite your clients to sign up for a unique VIP club. Naturally, you’ll need a VIP club to begin with; if you don’t have one, make sure that whatever you come up with gives concrete advantages, such early access to sales and promotions, discounts, invitations to VIP webinars, and so on. Make sure your consumers feel special by giving them a sense of exclusivity.


Consider collaborating with companies whose products or services compliment your own to expand your database. Your marketing efforts might be effectively doubled as a result, expanding your consumer base. 

Conferences and events 

Take advantage of the chance to gather participant information if you’re attending a trade show. Use some of the tactics mentioned above, such as contests, gifts, or value swaps, to get individuals to provide you with their phone numbers.

Promote your phone number 

On all of your advertising, from billboards to the side of your truck, make sure your dedicated number is prominently displayed. Make it easy for clients to contact you by employing memorable keywords in your advertisements. Your phone number will be simpler to remember 

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